Below you’ll find the ministries and organisations that we’re partnering with.

Join us as we reflect Jesus’ compassion to the world around us. 

Burwood Church is in the process of supporting the settlement of a refugee family into Australia. This involves assisting them finding accommodation and household supplies, employment, education, healthcare, social networks and navigating financial and government organisations. We are doing this as part of the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP) which is supported by Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA). 

Find out more at

Restore One supports a village in the Kampong Thom Province of Cambodia. They focus on the educational needs of the children of the province as well as projects that facilitate their engagement with learning. Burwood Church has helped to supply educational supplies and other goods and services. Some have taken the opportunity to visit the village and assist with building projects.

Find out more at

Every Saturday the Croydon Soup Kitchen hosts a free dinner for the people of Croydon. The menu is usually vegetarian soup and burgers. The Burwood Church team provides leads out on the third Saturday of every month. It’s an enjoyable way to serve our community and to have lot of fun along the way. Whether you like to serve in the kitchen or provide a listening ear to the people who come along, we would love to have you involved.

We love the work of ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) both here and around the world. Our ongoing support has involved providing hampers for women’s support refuges, delivery of food hampers, and fundraising in both the annual roadside collection and Christmas “Giving Tree” appeals. 

Find out more at

The Alannah & Foundation was established by Walter Mikac in honour of his daughters as a positive response to the tragedy that unfolded at Port Arthur on 28th April 1996. The foundation’s work of care, prevention and advocacy continues to this day, supporting children and young people experiencing violence and bullying. Our specific partnership supports the Buddy Bag program. Buddy Bags are a thoughtful emergency response containing practical items that are provided to vulnerable children across Australia experiencing trauma or crisis.

Find out more at

Road to Bethlehem is a walk-through event re-telling the story of the first Christmas. More than that, it provides the opportunity for over 15,000 people to be immersed in the miracle of Jesus birth and be challenged by the question of why He came. Burwood Church, alongside other Adventist churches, supports in many ways including set up, acting, guiding, staging and lighting.

Find out more at

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