The Seventh-day Adventist Church is supported by the generosity of everyday people. Thank you for your contribution to the mission of Jesus in our community.
At Burwood Church you can give through the online platform called eGiving (we no longer collect a physical offering during our worship services).
How to use eGiving
- Simply visit the eGiving website or download the app (see links on this page).
- Select “Burwood SDA Church”.
- Choose from the options to give to.
- Select a payment option.
Helpful Resources
Ever wondered where your gifts of generosity go?
Tithing is the Biblical principle of giving 10% of our income to God. Tithe given at Burwood Church supports pastors, evangelists, Bible workers, School chaplains and more across Victoria and beyond. Here is how the tithe you give is used:
VIDEO: Tithing in the Victorian Community
Weekly Church Offering
Each week this offering is assigned to an important ministry area. Over half of these are assigned directly to Burwood Church. This is the best way to support the daily expenses of our local church. The other weeks go to health and evangelism projects, ADRA, and other important ministries of our broader church in Australia and beyond.
World Mission/Sabbath School offerings
The world mission offering (also called the “Sabbath School offering”) allows you to support missionaries and mission projects around the world. Here is an overview:

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Luke 6:38