At Burwood Church we love to connect! Our groups are where you can meet new friends, have fun, and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Find a group below that interests you. All are welcome.
Semester One 2025
16 February – 5 July
The Spotters Club
Group Leaders: Nic Bolto & Hernan Vazquez
About: The teenage years are a time of great discoveries. This club will create opportunities to get outside on a Sabbath afternoon for nature soaked social engagement.
Group Location:
Feb 15th Fish spotting on the lower Yarra by canoe, after church picnic till dinner
Mar 15th Bird spotting at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens, after church picnic till dinner
Apr 12th Sportscar spotting at Healesville, with a walk at Maroondah Dam, after church picnic till dinner
May 10th Plane spotting outing at the end of the Tulla/Essendon airport runways, after church lunch and until dinner
June 14th People spotting at someplace where there’s lots of human drama
July 5th Train spotting at Southern Cross, after church lunch till dinner
Why Join? Parents, if your teen is nagging you with “I’m bored, I have nothing to do”, this is your group. Teens, if you’re interested in destinations around Melbourne sure to engage your imagination, with people you enjoy spending time with, this is your group. And it gets you out of the house.
Ladies, Coffee and Jesus
Group Leader: Georgie Young
Group Location: Primary at Pioneers Park (Berwick)
Group Time: Last Friday of each month at 10am
Why Join? Looking to connect with other mums and explore how to bring God into the chaos of family life? This is the group for you!
We’ll look at scripture, share ideas, swap stories, and discover practical ways to make faith a meaningful part of our homes. Bonus: it’s the perfect excuse for connection with like minded ladies over a coffee, a late brekkie, or even some sneaky hot chips.
Kids? Totally welcome! After about an hour of chatting, we’ll head to the playground next door so they can burn off some energy while we keep connecting. Sound good? Come join us!
Scripture Memorisation
Group Leader: Tash Macko
What will we do? Each week of the semester, we’ll focus on memorising a new Bible verse. To build connection while we grow spiritually, you’ll be paired with a different group member each week. Your challenge? Find your partner at church on Sabbath morning and practice that week’s verse together!
As the semester progresses, we’ll continue to revisit and strengthen our memory of the verses we’ve learned. By the end of the semester, we’ll celebrate with a fun, creative activity to recall all the scriptures we’ve hidden in our hearts.
Why Join? Psalm 119:11 reminds us: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” And in Matthew 4, we see how Jesus overcomes temptation in the wilderness by declaring, “It is written…”
There’s incredible power in having God’s Word written on your heart and mind. These verses can provide encouragement, guidance, and strength during life’s challenges.
If you’ve ever found scripture memorisation daunting or don’t know where to start, this group is for you! Whether you’re brand new to the idea or worried you won’t remember every verse, don’t let that stop you. This isn’t about perfection— it’s about enjoying the process and growing together. We’re here to encourage and support each other on this journey.
Prayer Group
Group Leader: Elizabeth Allen
Group Location: Online (Zoom)
Zoom Link: Click Here
Group Time: Wednesdays from 7 – 7:30pm
Why Join? The importance of prayer cannot be overstated. This group is simple: we meet and pray. Join us as we lift our church and community to Christ.
Youth Pizza Night
Group Leader: Isabella Skupek
Group Location: Burwood Church
Group Time: Fortnightly on Fridays from 6-9pm
Why Join? It’s simple! Free make-your-own-pizza every second Friday. There will also be a Bible study. So if you’re aged 17-35 come join us because who says no to free pizza?
Follow Us: @burwoodyouth
The Chosen (Season 3)
Group Leader: Kim Moffitt & Sherrie Courtney
Group Location: Sherrie’s Home (Blackburn)
Group Time: First Saturday of each month beginning with lunch
Why Join? Bring a plate to share for lunch followed by an episode of The Chosen and discussion time afterwards.
Burwood Social Tennis
Group Leader: David Urbaniak
Group Location: Templeton Reserve, Wantirna
Group Time: Wednesday Nights – 7:30pm
Other: Bring $7 each week for court hire and balls
Why Join? If you like tennis and are keen for a regular hit, join us! All ages and levels are welcome.
Group Leader: Marilyn Skupek
Group Location: Burwood Church Foyer
Group Time: Third Sunday of each month from 2pm
Why Join? To chat, make friends, show off your craft and see what others are making (and eat of course). Bring along a project you’re working on, or just come along and we’ll find something for you to do.
Northy But Nice
Group Leader: Lani Edwards
Group Location: Mostly at Lani’s home in Kingsbury.Other northerners can volunteer to host.
Group Times: Second Saturday of each month beginning with lunch.
Why Join? We’re a social lunch group for anyone who lives north of the M3 eastern freeway (from Coburg to Warrandyte, Bulleen to Mernda). Bring a plate and come hang out!
Family, Faith and Fun
Group Leaders: Tash Macko, Tomek Chalupka & Matthew Verwey
Group Location: Beginners room at Burwood Church
Group Time: 1:30-2:30pm on the last Sabbath of each month (after church lunch)
Feb 22 Families and Community
Mar 29 Families and Grace
Apr 26 Families and Devotions
May 31 Families and Traditions
Jun 28 Families and Jesus’ example
Why Join? A place for parents to have conversations about faith in the home. Pull up a kids chair for a fun time of sharing, reading Scripture, and hanging out. Bring your little ones along and they can play in the room while we talk (they will never be far away).
LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together)
Group Leaders: Kim Moffitt, Marilyn Skupec, Roisin Lamprell, Kelly Szlachetko & Julia Wawruszak
Why Join? We are a group of women that like to spend time having fun, food & fellowship together. We hold events each quarter and occasionally catch up for coffee & brunch. We like supporting charities close to our heart throughout the year and have recently packed handbags for the Share the Dignity campaign to help women escaping domestic violence receive a nice gift of essential items at Christmas.
Upcoming Events
Feb 8 Uplift Afternoon Program*
Mar 9 Pampering Afternoon
Jun 14 Women’s Afternoon Program
*Conference events run by Adventist Women Victoria
Mums at the Table
Group Leaders: Tash Macko & Nadia Charleson along with the leadership team from Nunawading Church
Facebook Group: Click Here
About: An online community of mums (Facebook) where you’ll have opportunities to connect with local women going through the same motherhood journey. Plus, opportunities to join in-person events throughout the year.
Upcoming Events:
Regular playgroup: 10am-12pm fortnightly Thursdays at Nunawading Church during school term. Commencing on 30th Jan.
Monthly midweek outings – zoo, play cafes, and more. The exact dates are to be announced at the time.
Why Join? A great outreach opportunity to connect with and support Mums from our wider community in Melbourne.
Prayer Chain
Group Leader: Lani Edwards
Group Location: Wherever you are
Why Join? We want to cover our church community with prayer this semester. People will submit prayer requests to the group leader, who will pass them on down the prayer chain. If you’re in the group, your job is to pray when you receive a prayer message, and then pass it onto the next person on the chain. All you need is a mobile phone, to receive the message.
It’s a group for anyone – if you’re new to prayer this is a great way to start praying, and if you’re a real prayer warrior this is definitely somewhere to be. However, no experience required, just a willingness to talk to God on behalf of others.
Exploring Ephesians Together
Group Leader: Fraser Catton
Group Location: Burwood Church
Group Time: Thursdays from 7:30pm
Why Join? There is something special about exploring the Bible with others. This group will be doing that as we work through the book of Ephesians together. Pray, read, discuss, share and learn more about following Jesus.
Can we answer your questions?
What are Burwood Groups?
Burwood Groups are small gatherings of people who meet regularly around a common interest or activity.
Why do they exist?
They exist for many reasons, such as meeting new friends, learning new skills, growing closer to God, or making a difference in the community.
Who can join?
Anyone can join a group. You don’t have to have any affiliation with a church or know others in a particular group. If it interests you, it’s for you!
When do groups run?
There are two group semesters per year. Semesters one goes from February 11 to June 29.
Groups that meet weekly will be meeting every week during these dates (with a 2 week break over the school holidays). Other groups run fortnightly or monthly. See group descriptions for details.
Where do groups meet?
The groups meet in a variety of locations throughout Melbourne. Some meet outdoors, others meet at our church building or in the homes of those who lead them, and some gather online.